Toilet Zine Launch
Viernulvier Gent
Season 5 
To our knowledge, this was the first-panel discussion in the world to take place next to a public bathroom door. For the launch of the Toilet zine we invited these architects: Jesse Verdoes, Takuma Johnson, Tuyen Le  and Noam from Bebe Books.

We talked about queering the architectural infrastructure of segregation, namely binary bathrooms at gender-neutral bathroom of Viernulvier Gent

Jesse Verdoes is a spatial designer and researcher from the Netherlands who recently graduated from The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design. Currently, he is working as a researcher and exhibition designer at TU Delft and is co-teaching a course on architectural modeling at The Berlage. 

Takuma Johnson is an architect and spatial designer currently practicing in Rotterdam. A registered architect in the United States, he previously practiced in New York City and Spain, and is a former teaching fellow at Cornell University. 

Tuyen Le is an architectural designer currently pursuing her master's in Architecture at TU Delft. With a Vietnamese upbringing and influences from studying in the U.S., her interest circulates design archeology, decolonization, and post-irony culture. 

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